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Home Maintenance Definition: Assistance with maintenance and minor repairs to person’s

home, garden or yard to keep their home in a safe and habitable condition.

Fees apply as of 1st of July 2010.




Support Service's Staff:


  • WILL mow/whipper snip yard (refer Conditions below)

  • WILL rake areas to define clear pathway e.g. front gate to stairs, rear stairs to clothes line;

  • WILL hedge shrubs; (OH&S rules apply)

  • WILL lop branches; (OH&S rules apply)

  • WILL change light bulbs; tap washers

  • WILL remove garden refuse (only leaves, branches) to the dump; (conditions and fees apply)


Conditions of Lawn Mowing Service:


1. Consumer/s responsibility is to ensure that able bodied family members/friends residing within the household must assist with the upkeep of the yard maintenance by assisting staff/s. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of maintenance service.


2. Consumer/s who own mowing equipment (e.g. mower, whipper snipper) must offer the use of to the yard

    maintenance officer for service to be undertaken;


3. Home Maintenance (HM) officer will attempt to mow yard approximately every third week, dependant upon weather conditions;


4. Thick long grass, 30cm and over in height client/carer will need to seek the services of professional

    mowing service;


5. Consumer/s must ensure yards are watered to decrease hazardous dust pollution; it is the discretion of

    the maintenance officer whether your yard is mowed if pollution is considered a health risk;


6. During wet weather conditions, the maintenance officer will not mow yards;

    (NB: the catcher (on mower) will not be used if grass is wet or thick/heavy from rain);


7. Consumer/s must leash pets whilst service is being undertaken;


8. Ensure that your yard is free of litter prior to service being undertaken.


Every effort is made to ensure that the service is provided in a timely manner. However, due to unforeseen circumstances (in particular during the cyclone/monsoon season, equipment breakdown, Sorry Business) there maybe service delays. Therefore we ask client/carers to be patient.





Support Service's Staff:


  • WILL NOT perform duties if worker/s is at risk of any abuse, harm or injury from client or carer.

  • WILL NOT mow if able bodied persons residing within household fail to assist with yard maintenance;

  • WILL NOT mow grass if in excess of 30cm in height;

  • WILL NOT mow if dust pollution is hazardous;

  • WILL NOT mow until yard is free of standing water;

  • WILL NOT mow in wet weather, electrical and cyclonic conditions;

  • WILL NOT use mower catcher if grass is wet/heavy with moisture;

  • WILL NOT jeopardize the health and safety of staffs, the client/carer and or neighbors whilst performing duties;

  • WILL NOT lop branches of tall trees (height assessment will be determined by HM Officer);

  • WILL NOT lift heavy objects in yard;

  • WILL NOT mow if there is too much litter, toys, bikes, animal faeces, green waste, etc littering the yard;

  • WILL NOT undertake maintenance if equipment is at risk of being damaged;

  • WILL NOT loan yard maintenance equipment to client/carers;

  • WILL NOT undertake removal of furniture or other heavy items;

  • WILL cancel service if fees are not paid.

  • WILL NOT work outside of allocated timeframe; (Refer care plan)




Do's and Don'ts of Home Maintenance

Website copyright 2017 © Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Women 


Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Women acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work. We pay respect to the Elders past, present, and emerging. 


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